I was hired through the Graduate Program. It was quite an intensive process with a written application, online video interview and assessment centre with a presentation, group activity and interview.
Midlevel, Melbourne - 03 Oct 2023
It's not very complicated. Interviews are all in the same day. Very time efficient.
Graduate, Melbourne - 03 Oct 2023
I had to submit my resume and cover letter and then do some of those standard online assessments. After that I had to do one of the online automated interviews and then finally I had gotten flown down to Sydney for a group assessment with the other final candidates and a personal in person interview where we had to present an idea about sustainability.
Midlevel, Brisbane - 03 Oct 2023
The interview process was quite long, however, I think it allowed the candidates to show many aspects of their personality. E.g. having the group interview demonstrated different qualities compared to the individual presentation.
Graduate, Pyrmont - 14 Mar 2023
Standard graduate program: Submitting resume/cover letter, assessment games, video interviews, assessment day with a proposal of an innovative idea in our field.
Midlevel, Sydney - 14 Mar 2023
There was a technical assessment interview, a video interview, and an assessment centre
Graduate, Brisbane - 14 Mar 2023
Step 1: Apply via link on website, send CV and cover letter. Step 2: Two rounds of psychometric testing Step 3: Pre-recorded video assessment (The company pre-recorded the questions and we had 60 seconds to respond via webcam on the computer) Step 4: Prepare a short virtual presentation on a given topic and present to senior staff members. Step 5: Job offer or refusal.
Graduate, Perth - 14 Mar 2023
Online psychometric testing and an individual online interview. - in-person group assessment where you work on a problem scenario with other candidates for 30mins and then present your solution. - individual in-person interview plus a presentation on a topic emailed to you a few days prior
Midlevel, Melbourne - 14 Mar 2023
My interview process was informal and very relaxed.
Midlevel, Sydney - 14 Mar 2023
Compared to other grad role interviews at other companies, the questions were honestly very straightforward and easy. But the recruitment process was incredibly time consuming. There are one way video interviews, then you are asked to prepare a presentation for the assessment/interview stage. However, candidates were not given any choice over assessment centre/interview dates - you were simply told a time and date. Depending on how your job hunt has been faring, you might find this to be disrespectful. The assessment centre and interviews were held in one session with interview times randomised and only a rough timetable provided on the day of, so you had to be present and readily available to be called upon throughout the entire day of a date you had no say over. Again, depending on your circumstances, you might find this disrespectful of your time. Interview time is very limited as well, so you may run out of time to ask all the questions you had prepared.
Graduate, Auckland - 10 Mar 2023